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The first alternative heating energy product was the Portage & Main Boiler produced by Mr. Andrew Nagy. We were impressed: immediately started to leverage the benefits that the Portage and Main boilers offered over other conventional designs. 

  • Superior construction materials and methods results in a boiler line that has the best reputation and warranty in North America.

  • Portage and Main “The Original Efficient One” burns hotter, drier and cleaner than other brands.

  • This results in an efficient boiler that consumes 1/3 – 1/2 less wood than other brands. 

  • Portage & Main boilers can generate heat using cordwood, coal or woodchips(biomass).


Heat Smart Plus is just finishing construction on their new 12,000 sq ft headquarters.  The new building incorporates many green initiatives;

  • Geothermal heating,

  • Rainwater is collected for domestic water,

  • Solar heating to heat domestic water, to name just a few.


Use of solar energy is increasing, as more learn about the cost effective use of evacuated tubes for hot water heating. Solar heating is very effective for domestic hot water, pools, hot tubs and space heating.  Typical efficiency of a solar heating system is 80 – 85 percent.

Heat Smart Plus seeks out the industry’s best suppliers to ensure every product carried is of the highest quality.  Whether it is a wood stove or an infrared grill, every item is an investment and we strongly believe that every investment should last a long time, many products carry lifetime warranties.

The Heat Smart Plus showroom profiles our great products whether you looking for an efficient wood burning stove or fireplace or a high efficiency gas fireplace, we have a product to fit your style and needs. Heat Smart Plus places a strong emphasis on educating and training our staff, this ensures the Heat Smart team can assist our clients in learning about all the various alternative energy options, including;

  • Geothermal,

  • Solar, and

  • Bio-mass.

Our alternative energy systems can assist builders to achieve a “Net Zero” building.

Heat Smart Plus has a focus to work with the environment NOT against it.  The principal of sustainable and ecologically conscious energy systems that utilize renewable resources are our directives.  This mandate resonates through in all our products that we offer.  Such as our geothermal systems which are the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient heating and cooling technologies that exist today, or our Saber grills which consume 30% less gas then other brands.
Visit our showroom to see how our products can assist you in strengthening your energy independence, and save you money while reducing your ecological footprint.

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