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Welcome to the column for Heat Smart Plus, as this is our first column, we wish to provide some insights into who we are and why alternative energies make sense. 


Heat Smart Plus is a local alternative energy company that employs the use of alternative technologies to generate energy using various forms of renewable and alternative energy sources.   Heat Smart Plus has a focus to work with the environment NOT against it.  The principal of sustainable and ecologically conscious energy systems that utilize renewable resources are our focus.  This mandate resonates through in all our products that we offer.


Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies.  Renewable energy will not run out. Other sources of energy are finite and will someday be depleted. The term ‘fossil fuel’ refers to fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. They are prefixed ‘fossil’ because their source (carbon and hydrocarbons) are found in earth’s crust. In layman’s term, fossil fuels are the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. Most importantly, fossil fuels are non-renewable.  Combustion of fossil fuels emits harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.   Using fossil fuels creates adverse affects referred to as “global warming” or the “greenhouse effect”.


Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such as those related to the use of fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to be "free" energy sources.

These include biomass energy, wind energy, solar energy, geo thermal and hydro electric energy. Combined with the use of recycling, the use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar power systems will help reduce the amount of carbons and hydro carbons released into the atmosphere.





Wind, water and sun are never ending sources of energy. However the biggest advantage of using them is that they don’t harm the environment in any way. Solar energy is all about using sunlight. Widely and freely available to almost all, the light from the sun is a natural alternative.  Solar energy can be utilized through photovoltaic’s (generation of power through the use of solar cells) or solar heating (generation of heat through the use of solar collectors).  Solar heating is very effective in Saskatchewan to provide heat that can be used for domestic hot water, or to heat a pool or spa.


Geo’ means earth and ‘thermal’ means heat. Geo-thermal means energy from the earth.  Geo-thermal energy uses the earth’s energy to transfer heat. Geo thermal is the most environmentally friendly and energy efficient heating & cooling technology available.


We encourage you to drop by Heat Smart Plus to learn more about alternative energies as well as the various products we use to generate energy. Not only will you find ways to save the environment, but you will also see that using alternative energy will make cents to your pocket book or bottom line.


We offer bio mass boilers, geo thermal systems, and solar heating systems that will increase your energy independence and save you money.  We also offer many energy products that will reduce your current consumption of energy, whether it is a highly efficient natural gas, or propane boiler or a highly efficient wood burning stove or fireplace. 


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As fall encroaches, many start to think of cold weather and the need to keep their homes warm over the upcoming winter.   Using a stove or fireplace to supplement the needed heat can offer many benefits.

Today’s gas and wood burning stoves and fireplaces, offer many improvements over past generations of hearth products.  Both gas and wood burning stoves and fireplaces have come a long way in the past decade. It is now common to find both gas and wood burning units that can achieve an efficiency of 85% plus.   It can be worth a review to see if an upgrade to a newer stove or fireplace can offer you some of the following;

  • New stoves & fireplaces are much more efficient, in some cases up to - 50% more energy efficient.

  • You can use one-third less firewood to produce the same amount of heat.

  • Using new models represents savings in fuel, money, resources, and time.

  • Many new fireplaces offer venting options, in which hot air can be directed into other rooms in the house, or even into the plenum of your existing furnace.

  • Reduced risk of a house fire due to a lot less creosote build-up in the chimney.

  • Being gentler on the environment and your health. New wood stoves produce 70% less particle pollution outdoors and inside, which can mean less potential health complications from wood by-products.


Today’s wood stoves and fireplaces can offer more than just heat and aesthetics, some units have built in BBQ grills that can provide cooking options should you have to endure a power outage or just wish to have a relaxed meal using your fireplace / wood stove.

Gas burning unit’s offer clean burning and have improved the visual appeal of today’s gas flames.  Many units incorporate glass beads, log sets, or stones to accent the visual aesthetics of the flames.  Many gas burning fireplaces also include LED backlighting or remote control operation.

If you have an existing stove or fireplace a couple things to check before the heating season begins include; ensure you have both an operating smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector.  Both are essential items, and should be a part of your home safety plan.  Have your existing chimney inspected to ensure it’s clear of any obstructions.  If you have a wood burning unit, it is also advisable to have the chimney cleaned once a year.

If you don’t yet have a fireplace or stove, there are many options available that can fit your needs.  Important considerations for choosing a heating unit include; size of space to be heated, preferred fuel source, gas or wood, importance of aesthetics vs heat output, convenience, whether it be flicking a switch to start a gas unit or the convenience of wood pellets vs the nostalgia of a traditional wood burning appliance.

Hopefully this heating season, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a crackling fire or watch some dancing flames while curled up with a good book or that someone special.  Not only are the aesthetics and warmth from a fire pleasing to the soul, the resulting savings from reducing your heating bill can make it a very happy occasion.

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